Saturday, 23 April 2011


Introducing SteamCREAM into NailMe Salon, it is a multiple cream for face, body and hands. The eco-friendly packaging designed in Japan and all are limited edition collectiable designs. It includes moisturising and soothing oatmeal infusion, orange flower water and healing lavender oil.

These are the 9 designs avaible @ NailMe. GO AND GET YOURS~
STEAMCREAM在英國和日本人手精煉生產,適用於面,手及身體特別乾燥的部位, 效果持久, 適合任何皮膚類型.
每個包裝上面的設計是出自日本設計師手筆, 其中有些是限量版新款圖案設計。

成分包括: 燕麥,杏仁油,甘油,橙花水,薰衣草油,有機可可巴油及可可脂等 輕盈及光滑的質地非常易於被皮膚迅速吸收,快速滲透於皮膚之中!

STEAMCREAM罐身輕巧方便携帶, 75克容量仲可以帶上機用。

而家唔止西武, Harvey Nichols 有得賣, 上黎NailMe都搵到架!!仲要係最新款式啊!!